Aperitivo Originale NV
Wine Type: “Ready-to-Drink”
Country: Italy
Region: Lombardia
With the explosion of the Spritz category and similar cocktails, this pre-mixed Italian aperitivo demonstrates incredible PQR for the consumer market.
The best tasting ready-to-drink Italian Spritz in the US market!
Tasting Notes: “Spritzatto Aperitivo Originale” is an aperitivo prepared with sparkling wine, Italian spirits and aromas, and sparkling water. Deep ruby orange in color. On the nose it has scents of citrus fruits and herbs with tropical notes. On the palate it is both sweet & bitter, with fresh taste and notes of orange and grapefruit. Ideal as an aperitif. Pour over ice. Screw cap.
*Votto Vines is a family-run business and the fastest growing wine importing company in America. Previously featured in Forbes, Wine Enthusiast, Inc Magazine and Entrepreneur Magazine. Grazie for your support.